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2018년 춘계학술대회 수상 소식 안내 | ||||
작성자 | 관리자 | 작성일 | 2018-06-05 11:41:57 | 조회수 | 2018 |
첨부파일 | Download | 980 |
대한임상화학회 2018년 춘계학술대회에서 우수 논문상, 우수 연제상을 수상하신 분들을 소개합니다.
우수 논문상
수상자 | 소속 | 제목 |
민원기 | 울산의대 | 입원환자의 일반화학 검사 업무 과정 개선을 통한 결과보고시간 단축 |
Research Highlight 우수 연제상
수상자 | 소속 | 제목 |
고대현 | 울산의대 |
Utility of Reference Change Values for Delta Check Limits |
Effect of creatinine and cystatin C measurement variations on calculatedestimated glomerular filtration rate variations and the theoretical impact on kidney disease stage classification: A retrospective study | ||
김한아 | 건국의대 | Prognostic value of presepsin in adult patients with sepsis: Systematic review and meta- analysis |
나은희 | 한국건강관리협회 | Comparison of Traditional and Reverse Syphilis Screening Algorithms in Medical Health Checkups |
박준홍 | 가톨릭의대 | Comparison of Four Automated Carcinoembryonic Antigen Immunoassays: ADVIA Centaur XP, ARCHITECT I2000sr, Elecsys E170, and Unicel Dxi800 |
이상국 | 연세의대 | Fasting serum amino acids concentration is associated with insulin resistance and pro-inflammatory cytokines |
이아람 | 건국의대 | Prognostic Role of High-sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I and Soluble Suppression of Tumorigenicity-2 in Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients Undergoing Non-cardiac Surgery |
Evaluation of the LIA-ANA-Profile-17S for the detection of autoantibodies to nuclear antigens |
정태동 | 이화의대 | Efficient reporting of the estimated glomerular filtration rate without height in pediatric patients with cancer |
Performance Evaluation of the Bio-Rad D-100 System for Hemoglobin A1c Assay | ||
정희정 | 건국의대 | Implementation of biological variation-based analytical performance specifications in the laboratory: Stringent evaluation of Improvacutor blood collection tubes |
Experimental fusion of different versions of the total laboratoryautomation system and improvement of laboratory turnaround time | ||
조은정 | 가톨릭의대 | Performance of the Dimension TAC assay and comparison of multiple platforms for the measurement of tacrolimus |
채효진 | 가톨릭의대 | Heavy/light chain assay as a biomarker for diagnosis and follow-up of multiple myeloma |
Measurement of teicoplanin concentration with LC-MS/MS method demonstrates the necessity of therapeutic drug monitoring in hematologic patient populations | ||
최리화 | 녹십자의료재단 | Reassessing the significance of the PAH c.158G>A (p.Arg53His) variant in patients with hyperphenylalaninemia |
NUDT15 genotype distributions in the Korean population |
Evaluation Brief 우수 연제상
수상자 | 소속 | 제목 |
박민순 | 양산부산대학교병원 | Urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamidase (NAG) reagent evaluation and clinical correlation with Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) |
서종도 | 서울의대 | Performance evaluation of the ARK Methotrexate Assay using ARCHITECT c16000 |
윤수미 | 건국의대 | Evaluation of Analytical Performance and Establishment of Reference Interval for Axis-Shield Clinical Chemistry Heparin Binding Protein Assay |
이상국 | 연세의대 | Performance Evaluation of thyroid function tests on Alinity i system |
이선민 | 부산의대 | Performance evaluation of (1, 3)-β-D-Glucan test in a tertiary Korean hospital |
조주영 | 연세의대 | Comparison of Analytical Performance of i-Smart 300 and Nova pHOx Ultra for the Accurate Determination of Pleural Fluid pH |
차가현 | 한국로슈진단 | cobas® 8000 modular analyzer series e801 performance evaluation report |